Sour Alien Thc Cartridge
Sativa 60% | Indica 40%
Cerebral, Euphoria, Happy
May Relieve:
ADD/ADHD, Anorexia, Depression, Headaches, Hypertension, Appetite Loss, Nausea, Stress
Diesel, Fruity, Lemon, Sweet, Woody
Earthy, Fruity, Pine, Pungent, Sour
Sour Alien Strain:
People expect a lot of things from a particular strain. From its cultivation to its fragrance and most importantly, to its effects.
It is also essential for users to know if it suits their taste.
Hence, when looking at possible hybrids to use, much is expected from those that descended from well respected and sought after lineages such as Sour Alien.
The Cali Connection used two of their prominent strains in developing Sour Alien.
One of their motivations is to come up with a hybrid that does not reflect the classic traits of Cannabis with regards to not only its appearance but also its effects.
First of the parent strains used is Alien Kush, a child of Las Vegas Purple Kush (LPVK) and Alien Dawg.
It is an Indica dominant strain that is well known for mental and body buzz. Also, it tends to slowly creep into the body and leave users definitely feeling out of this world.
The other strain used is Sour Diesel, a hybrid that is known to keep its users beyond contented with the remarkable high that it delivers.
Due to that, it is considered by many in the Cannabis scene as legendary.
Through a careful process of selection and breeding, The Cali Connection finally released Sour Alien.
For the users, it is a hybrid that starts off with a reinvigorating high before bringing one to deep relaxation. And, for the medical users, it is one strain that does not only relieve stress but also take away pains and aches.
Descending from a prominent line and bred by a reputable breeder, the Sour Alien Thc Cartridge has a lot to offer to users.
With regards to its potency, it ranges from above average to very potent.
Besides varying Thc content due to the quality of seeds and cultivation, it also depends on the physical conditioning of users.
Sour Alien tends to lean towards the Indica side, but generally, it is a pretty much balanced strain.
At its onset, it induces a euphoric buzz in the head that quickly uplifts the mood.
Feeling happy, users also have heightened focus and a clear mind.
During this time, staying productive is not an issue at all.
However, that changes when its Indica traits kick into the body.
Like many others, it takes a little while for the full physical effects to manifest.
As the calming sensation spread down and all over the body, it results in users feeling completely relaxed.
As the effects continue to intensify, its sedating properties can leave users in a couchlock.
Aromas and Flavors:
At the first sniff, Sour Alien has a pungent scent of earthiness that is reminiscent of its Kush lineage.
As the buds are broken, it emits a distinct smell of pine with a sweet note and a subtle hint of citrusy lemon.
Sour Alien has flavors that are either loved or perhaps disliked by Cannabis users.
Similar to Sour Diesel, this strain has a pungent earthy taste with notes of pine.
It is also reminiscent of Pine Sol with its lemony fuel hint.
Lucas –
Het deed precies wat er stond.
Ik bleef voor een lange tijd scherp en kon gefocust mijn werkstuk afmaken.
Daarnaast viel het op dat het gevoel intenser wordt als je je ontspant en bv tv gaat kijken.
Maar het rookt absoluut heel soepel in vergelijking met andere pennen die ik heb gekocht.
vanessa –
echt mijn favoriet dus opnieuw gekozen voor deze alien, dat word weer genieten geblazen.
Warren –
Top shelf I’ll definitely will buy more of your products
Imran –
deze vape is master
saartje –
het brengt ons elke keer in hogere sferen en daarbij is het onder andere een prettig hulpmiddel bij yoga en meditatie wat wij veel beoefenen.
Mathijs –
Spot on!
Voor mij de beste soort tot nu toe. Elke cent waard.
Danny –
Nice smell and makes me feel wonderful. tingly, happy, euphoric and chill
Gaby –
Dit is een goede keuze om in de vroege avond lekker op de bank netflix te kijken.
Ontspannend en euforisch niet al te overweldigend maar het zal je ook niet teleurstellen.
roderick –
Niet echt sterk, maar ook niet teleurstellend. Ik zou deze opnieuw gebruiken.
Milo –
Very nice effect almost sativa -like uplifting but still a sedative indica in the background. Really like the effect taste is earthy effect flowy almost psychedelic even
ambra –
Zeer ontspannend en rustgevend. Ik maak een Spotify afspeellijst terwijl ik high ben en reggae zorgt voor de juiste stemming. Zo’n creatieve, muzikale, vredige high.
John D –
Surprisingly trippy 🙂
Great for afternoon/early evening activity (that doesn’t require too much concentration).
Lorenzo B –
Ik heb eindelijk klusjes afgemaakt die ik allang had moeten afmaken en voelde mij blij terwijl ik het deed.
rico –
ik was blij verrast dat sour alien mijn hoofdpijn verlichtte nadat ik hoofdpijn had gekregen van een white widow blowtje
nick –
Intense head high without causing anxiety, this is one of my favorite sativa strains hands down.
timothy –
Very nice buzz ! A little harsh for me but go back to that old phrase ” if you ain’t choking, you ain’t smoking “
Tinkerbell –
absoluut goed om ‘s ochtends meteen uw ogen goed uitgelijnd te krijgen
rewan –
lekker tintelend brein
maakte ons spraakzaam blij en euforisch