BlueBerry Kush Thc Cartridge
Indica 100% | Sativa 0%
Euphoria, Happy, Relaxing, Sleepy
May Relieve:
ADD/ADHD, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Chronic Pain, Depression, Gastrointestinal Disorder, Hyperactivity, Insomnia, Loss of Appetite, Migraines, Mood Swings, Nausea, PTSD, Stress
Berry, Blueberry, Fruity, Sweet
Blueberry, Earthy, Fruity, Kush, Sweet
Blueberry Kush Strain:
It’s an Oregon native that has risen to popularity due to its distinctly sweet presence and its calming effects.
This pure indica is quite potent and can put even the most resistant insomniac to sleep, gently easing you into a long night of deep and soothing slumber.
This lush and fragrant strain originated in Oregon, where it was the result of the Blueberry strain that was crossed with the legendary OG Kush.
This popular medical Cannabis strain that has helped many patients manage their chronic stress and persistent pain symptoms.
Blueberry Kush is as luscious as it sounds. It is a 100% pure indica that consistently registers above average Thc levels.
This OG hybrid is an exceptional strain for both medical and recreational use, with its distinct and innate ability to relax and calm you like only a true blue indica can.
The Blueberry Kush Thc Cartridge gives a strong head high that makes you instantly forget all your worries.
Next you will feel a heavy body high and start to feel like you are melting into your seat.
You will feel relaxed and like you are floating on clouds on this beautiful pure strain, soothing your mind instantly.
This pure indica is perfect for a nighttime smoke, making the mind and the body tingly and sleepy.
Blueberry Kush is a little bit like floating in a dream, a slow state of euphoria enveloping you and making you feel giggly for no reason whatsoever.
Blueberry Kush is the perfect smoke for when you are trying to end your day with peaceful thoughts, feeling a wave of positivity and just enjoying a moment of pure happiness.
This indica will make you feel uplifted and trouble free for hours on end, as this potent strain has effects that can last you a few hours.
Aromas and Flavors:
Blueberry Kush is all sweetness, not only in its flavor, but also its aroma.
You can pick this strain out of a line up easily, just by its scent.
This indica is as lush as they come, and will fill the room with the fragrance of sweet berries and fresh blueberries with a distinct yet unmistakeable shock of earthy kush.
This pure indica has a smoke that tastes of sweet blueberries, a flavor that is instantly mouthwatering and tantalizing.
Blueberry Kush tastes like fresh fruits with a shock of woody and earthy. The exhale has hints of fruity and lemon that is sure to leave a trace on your lips.
Giovanni –
everything about this one is great
P den Broek –
Ik hou van de algehele high !! zeer krachtig!!!
Jeff –
This shit is crazy! I just love how It’s make me feel
Adil –
Rook het ‘s avonds, geloof me. Start een goede film, of een goede serie, op de bank of in bed. Dan …. ontspan.
Cathleen –
deze is in het begin oké, dan besluipt hij je en slaat je in je gezicht. niet voor beginners, maar het is erg leuk en lekker als je zin hebt om super high te worden.
Marius –
It made us cough a lot, so I personally couldn’t take any more puffs and it made me very sleepy and hungry
and although it also made my friend cough, he felt comfortable
Lana –
Nothing has hit me harder in a while
Klaas –
heerlijk ik kan het gemakkelijk in de tuin doen zonder dat de buren er last van hebben en helpt enorm met mijn angst!
Sunil –
Geweldig genoten van deze cartridge.
Ik heb letterlijk een week lang elke dag na werktijd in de avond gevaped om vervolgens helemaal ontspannen op de bank te hangen.
chantal –
mijn favoriete cartridge op dit moment en ik raad het iedereen aan
Nick –
Nu voor de 3de keer besteld en alle bestellingen waren perfect qua kwaliteit maar ik ben ook tevreden over de service en bezorging
kenneth –
Great selection, fair prices, great people.
Andrew –
A perfect night time treat for me
Bas –
Zwaar inslaand, sterk en zoet met fantastische kalmerende en slaperigheid opwekkende effecten. Maakt het iets moeilijker om je te concentreren en zorgt ervoor dat je waarschijnlijk op de bank belandt.
Nadia –
Ik ben intussen een echt fan geworden van blueberry
In meerdere opzichten een genot
sharon –
Make us hungry, little sleepy
de_ti –
ik was toch zo ontzettend stoned terwijl ik dacht dat ik een hoge tolerantie had.
daarnaast is de geur en smaak uitmuntend.
ik zeg blueberry is zeker voor herhaling vatbaar
iker –
If I had to pick only one stain to smoke for the rest of my life this would be my choice.
green_gardener –
omg the blue berry vape pen i have been smoking on one for 3 days and a friend just stopped by he is so amazed he is singing up and ordering his own vape set right away he was also mind blown the pens last quite awhile and are way above average compared to many other companies i find this thc vape pen is sleek in design and the aspect of flavouring takes it that extra mile for anonymity !!! definitely keep up the good work and anyone interested i reccomend this
Paul –
Deffo recommendation
John D –
Perfect for night-time consumption.
Great for any sort of body ache, and helps me sleep like a baby.
willem –
Van alle vapes die ik heb gehad vind ik dit een van de lekkerste en beste
Nadia –
mijn lievelingetje
inmiddels heb ik een paar andere vapes geprobeerd maar ik blijf toch terugkomen voor blueberry
Te La –
Immediately hits with red eyes
Rex –
Classic indica
Niels en Katja –
Blueberry is inderdaad een hele goeie keuze tegen stress maar vooral als je opzoek bent naar een slaapmiddel
walter –
holy … het komt echt hard aan
Ik heb eerst een half uur voor me uit zitten staren en daarna ben ik in slaap gevallen 🙂