Delta9 Information
Delta9 information | Irie-Ites
Ever heard of Delta9 Thc distillate?
You may have even heard this concentrated Thc referred to simply as “liquid gold.” In any case, if you’ve yet to explore the world of concentrated cannabinoids, you’re in for a treat with Thc in its distilled form. But first, let’s get the formal introduction out of the way.
What is Thc distillate?
Thc distillate is a highly purified form of Thc (tetrahydrocannabinol) derived from cannabis. The product itself looks like a thick oil that can be anywhere from clear to amber in color. Distillation eliminates everything from plant lipids to terpenes, and because each cannabinoid vaporizes at a different temperature, producers can easily manipulate the process to capture solely one cannabinoid. For this reason, Thc distillate is a highly potent concentrate.
How to Make Thc Distillate?
Basically, distillates made from cannabis have been put through technical distillation using special equipment. The distillation process involves heating crude oil extracted from cannabis until it vaporizes, and then capturing those vapors and the cannabinoids in them. The beauty of distillation is the utter purity of the end product; the end result can be a translucent, viscous material with nearly 100 percent Thc. Click here for more information about the distillation process.
How to Use Thc Distillate?
Thc distillate in it’s purest form is not for the inexperienced user. The high potency of the product is unmatched by most other concentrates, which means you are going to experience a more intense high with much less product. While this does provoke a word of caution, this very attribute is one reason people prefer distillate over other cannabis concentrates. And, the oil can be used in a number of ways.
determine the best cannabis consumption method for you.

Dab Rig or Bong
Dab rigs are specially designed to allow Cannabis consumers to enjoy extracts. The most direct method is to vaporize Delta9 Thc in a glass dab rig with an enail or butane torch.

One of the easiest ways to ingest Thc oil is sublingually (under the tongue) place a drop or two under your tongue (without swallowing) and let the liquid dissolve into your bloodstream.

You can mix Thc distillate into a wide variety of edibles for quick and easy consumption. Really, you can mix liquid Thc distillate into almost anything and make it work.

Vape Pen
Another simple way to administer a distillate is through a vape pen. You will need one with a reloadable tank that accepts a variety of liquid and solid Cannabis.

Joint, Blunt, Spliff
If you’re fond of the old-school methods of consuming cannabis, spread a small amount of Thc distillate on a rolling paper and then create your own joint, blunt, or spliff.

The major advantage of distillate in pill form is that it is much more powerful. If you need pain relief while you sleep, swallow a drop of hardened distillate for all night relief from your symptoms.